"Dixie" employs a single rhythmic motive (two sixteenth note pickups followed by a longer note), which is integrated into long, melodic phrases.
Both these melodic and rhythmic motives get used throughout the movement.
The tenor aria is expressive with a prominent rhythmic motive.
Mr. Riley and Steve Reich are two-thirds of the Minimalist movement that is intent on turning repeating melodic and rhythmic motives into complex music.
Mr. Braxton often constructs his music by working with one or two parameters - a certain texture or register, one rhythmic motive.
The opening phrase of the first theme appears throughout, joined (bar 345) by the rhythmic motive from the beginning.
The variations make use of various rhythmic motives and often feature solo instruments; for example, the first variation features the solo oboe.
In an interplay of transposition, the neumatic symbol as an indication of a sinuous melodic entity is now applied to a rhythmic motive.
"The characters have their own recognizable rhythmic motives that will quickly draw the audience into the action."
The rhythmic and intervallic motive was derived from the bird's song.