Ussmak's hearing diaphragms throbbed with the rhythmically repeated roar.
But the principle of a crime from which one could retire, of a reversible madness, of gaps rhythmically repeated in the social fabric, has been done away with, and now all those forces must go in harness, work treadmills, play roles that are too tight for them and always ill-suited.
However, the lyrics "Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego" in the track are used and sampled from Sly Stone's "Loose Booty", where they are repeated and spoken rhythmically throughout the track in an almost rap-like form.
This is repeated rhythmically, creating a louder clicking noise than the quiet method.
In one telling grouping, we see Ernst's early 40's interest in an Indian feathered object, his later use of the form as a flattened, rhythmically repeated unit and a still later interpretation as a single, sign-like emblem.
On another, an invertible figure that appears to have two sets of arms is rhythmically repeated around the circumference.
Its basic materials are pure Glass: the rhythmically repeated minor chords, the arpeggiation and other signature moves are all there.
Each of Jo Hormuth's works is an empty cast-plastic mock picture frame painted a single enamel color; the rhythmically repeated imprints of fingers, thumbs or hands of a different professional masseuse are preserved in each.
Rhythmically repeated imprints of fingers, thumbs or hands decorate the four sides of each frame.
A lot of the subject matter is rhythmically repeated consecutively as well as sectionwise.