The shout came from further down the table, from a tall, brown-bearded man I didn't recognize, and was greeted with more laughter and ribald remarks.
Brianna edged through the blue clouds of tobacco smoke, ignoring the whistles and ribald remarks.
He was only slightly surprised at the open smiles, the cheers, and the ribald remarks that greeted the young swordsman.
Some raucous laughter followed the ribald remark.
A moment's pause, uncertainty, then the voices beginning to join in-by the end of the second verse, they'd be whooping and shouting ribald remarks in the background.
These men weren't the type to make the ribald remark which would have enabled me to laugh the thing off.
Alice, whose attitude can fairly be said to lean toward the humorously unsentimental, made a ribald remark about the recreational practices of teenage boys in rural America.
Expect some ribald remarks in broad Dublin accents.
They both laughed, and he glanced towards the men, suddenly feeling sheepish at the thought of the ribald remarks they were probably making, but they were taking no notice.