They feature a ribbed side and a plain side and have a plug with prongs of unequal widths.
The cord's ribbed side usually contains silver-colored wire.
Meanwhile the other, great of soul, near whom I yet was station'd, chang'd not count'nance stern, Nor mov'd the neck, nor bent his ribbed side.
The thrum of atmospheric friction increased along the shuttle's ribbed sides.
The egg is silvery white, shiny, tall, bullet-shaped with an apical point and ribbed sides.
The container's ribbed sides looked fine, die lock was still holding.
He glanced down once, into darkness-heights had never bothered him particularly-and then started climbing the shaft's ribbed side.
Bottle shown: cobalt blue with ribbed sides.
The tumbling thing speared into his shoulder, the brutality of its impact knocking him against the slick, ribbed side of the corridor.
The egg is shiny white, tall and pointed, with ribbed sides.