A narrow ribbon of sand stretched for miles to the north and south, not a soul in sight, not a footprint anywhere.
Lying there, he stared up at three bright ribbons, silver-blue in the strange light of Rhuidean, stretching to left and right, floating in the air.
A bow consists of a specially shaped stick with other material forming a ribbon stretched between its ends, which is used to stroke the string and create sound.
To the east and west stretched a hazy ribbon of ley line force.
The ribbon of car lights stretched north, in the general direction of New England, as well as south into Queens.
Linker believes these ribbons once stretched clear around the planet.
The relatively thin ribbon stretched hundreds of kilometers up into space and down into Askaria's mostly hydrogen atmosphere.
And the ribbon of seaweed at the water's edge stretched from one end of the beach to the other.
In the distance it looked like a blue ribbon stretched across the ocean.
Two long ribbons of streets stretched away from the Hill to the faint red line that marked the high bluff beyond the river at the farther side of the town.