Besides the animal sacrifice, beer made from millet seeds and rice paste is used.
When dyed, the colour does not adhere to the areas with rice paste.
All along the road, in family workshops, you'll see rice paste being steamed and then placed on a bamboo frame for drying in the sun.
For example, glutinous rice flour and rice paste are molded into familiar animals.
"We turned off all the lights," she said, "and in the reflected moonlight the rice paste of the rangoli would shine like silver."
And make sure to order mochi ice cream (made with a kind of rice paste) for dessert.
For a different dessert, try mochi, a sweet rice paste that enclosed a center of ice cream.
During this auspicious occasion the mud walls and floors are decorated with murals in white rice paste.
Their white pigment is a mixture of rice paste and water with gum as a binding.
In between each stroke of the mallet, a second person quickly reaches into the mortar to turn the rice paste.