The country is the 8th largest rice producer in the world, accounting for 2.8% of global rice production.
Under the pressure, the Government reduced the amount it pays rice producers by 5.9 percent in 1987 and 4.6 percent in 1988.
Poor farmers would share in the gains to rice producers.
In agricultural section, this regency has a good reputation as the important rice producer.
Once the world's top rice producer, Myanmar has produced enough rice to feed itself until now.
Fukushima was the fifth largest rice producer in the country.
Rizal and Tabuk with their flatlands are the biggest rice producers.
Of course the world's poorest countries include a whole series of rice producers.
The region is Myanmar's largest rice producer, so its infrastructure of road transportation has been greatly developed during the 1990s and 2000s.
Brazil is today the Occident's greatest rice producer and consumer.