Yesterday I met with the headman of the fishing village, and asked that we be allowed to hang up rice sacks for the rubbish on the ground.
Through the open doors of the pens Bolan could see rice sacks in some, and beds and clothes in the others.
The rifles and the grenade launcher were wrapped in rice sacks.
Iraqis carried their rifles in old sugar and rice sacks.
They were issued with new clothes made from rice sacks.
The door slid open and I stepped down, reaching back to grasp my rice sack of possessions and Porky's radio.
Sand-filled rice sacks cover almost all ground-floor windows.
By the end the government officials seem no better than the rats that gnaw through the rice sacks in search of their plunder.
And where to obtain more rice sacks, twine, and nets.
Dogs were not allowed on board, but Frank Williams managed to teach Judy to lie still and silent inside a rice sack.