Each spring he planted rice seedlings on the palace grounds as a symbol of Japanese hopes for a good harvest.
He can see small gnarled people in colorful clothes transplanting rice seedlings and tinkering with the irrigation system.
This work is carried out until mid-March, when warmer spring weather allows the farmer to buy or grow rice seedlings.
It occurs after the transplanting of rice seedlings on the tenth month of the Sui calendar.
It has been shown to be produced in high concentrations by the roots of rice seedlings.
In this second category, group members worked collectively only on heavy tasks, such as plowing paddy fields and transplanting rice seedlings.
Ducks tend to destroy rice seedlings, and are thus less preferable than chickens.
In the spring, the fields are flooded and planted with new rice seedlings which sprout first in greenhouses.
Bria approached the table holding the trays of rice seedlings.
He, at least, did not treat her like one of Bria's fragile rice seedlings.