Because one rich playboy had the misfortune to set sail sixteen years ago on a pleasure boat called the Titanic.
An elderly scholar, or a handsome, apparently rich young playboy?
A rich, jet-setting playboy has a secret life: he's also a professional Mafia hitman.
Kate Davis, a filmmaker who lives on his floor, described him as "tall, fit, broad-shouldered - a rich playboy with a baby face."
Two sisters are attracted to a rich playboy.
He could also afford to live the lifestyle of a rich playboy.
I remembered hearing that she'd married some rich playboy and was living in France.
Richard falls for the poor girl, Mia, yet he dreams of becoming a rich playboy.
The plot involves Sunny, the star of a circus act, who falls for a rich playboy but comes in conflict with his snooty family.
When she finds her father's former boss, he is a lecherous rich playboy.