Sy played the lead role of Mike, a rich Texan "new immigrant".
"Louder and Funnier" featured one-liners, such as, "Then there is the rich Texan who has a different dentist for every tooth."
Elsewhere, Larry Hagman is cast to his television type as a diabolical rich Texan, one of the film's composite characters.
Rogers opined on everything from bootleggers to baseball, but (like a certain latter-day rich Texan) the Oklahoman saved his best digs for politics.
The building reminded him of one he had seen in a TV show about rich Texans.
Sometime later, a rich Texan dies in his sleep.
When Michelangelo Antonioni, the director, said he wanted to "meet a lot of rich Texans," Mr. de Menil had a dinner party for him.
In the lobby, "Perry for president" fleeces and rich Texan drawls abound.
He was a newly rich Texan.
Once upon a time there were jokes about rich Texans.