Then she made Nell clean up the mess under the bed, frequently inspecting the results and beating her, apparently acting out a parody of a rich Westerner bossing around some poor running dog.
The poll seemed to confirm a sense picked up from conversations around Wernigerode that East Germans felt less a resentment of rich Westerners than an inferiority, tinged with guilt at the Communist system with which they had learned to cope.
In some areas they are denied access to traditional lands while they fenced off as game reserves for rich Westerners.
The plot revolves around the purported discovery of a fictionalized stone-age "lost tribe" by a rich, privileged Westerner.
Still, the episode presents vast stores of information about China's new wealth - and some accusations against rich Westerners who are, in turn, getting richer.
Developing countries are often very poor in comparison, with little foreign currency, and supplying indigenous wildlife to relatively rich Westerners is worth millions of pounds every year.
Yet if the gorillas can lure rich Westerners here, ecotourism could become a more sustainable economic pillar than slash-and-burn logging.
As a final touch, he added a pair of undarned socks that only your rich Westerner throws away.
It's fine to exhort rich Westerners to live frugally, but people in poor countries will not be swayed by appeals to asceticism.