Erica Prakers, the daughter of a rich banker, is bulimic, and has curly black hair.
Slim went on to a loveless alliance with a rich and charmless English banker.
Of course, these other-wordly creatures are rich bankers and analysts.
His father used to be a rich banker, but when Alejandro was five or six years old, he went bankrupt and lost everything.
Please don't associate all of us in the private sector as rich bankers.
Some people might say you're robbing from the poor taxpayer and giving to the rich bankers.
The kid disappeared months ago, and they say it was the same night that rich banker got torn apart in his own bed.
Here are some links that explain what the rich bankers don't want you to know:
In the 19th century, they became what they are today, handsome prizes for rich bankers and businessmen.
We can see the taxpayer's money being handed out to rich bankers, and for what?