The city's Department of Education site is a rich cache of statistics.
The Wucheng site at Xin'gan contained a rich cache of localized bronze vessels.
Archeologists say the trove, uncovered in Peru, is the richest cache of pre-Columbian artifacts ever found in the Americas.
Her business history, the only expertise she would bring to her job as senator, will provide Boxer with a rich cache of ammunition.
A rich cache of ore.
In 1989, the Soviet Gas Ministry invited them to participate in the development of the region's rich cache of oil and gas.
Only the richest cache of pre-Columbian art discovered to date.
If this introduction and these stories lead you on to the rich cache of Woolrich material, then they have done their work and justified their existence.
After the company closed, Savoy Records, which had signed the group and was seeking to consolidate its position in gospel music, bought this rich cache of material.
He obtained a rich cache of war stores and supplies, and an excellent harbor and base of operations.