To rich capitalists, natch, and corporations that collect art as an investment.
According to Marx, capital has the tendency for concentration and centralization in the hands of richest capitalists.
That complaint, voiced to a rich young capitalist, captures the contradictions of post-Communist Russia.
He asked whether the American Government was "controlled by rich capitalists" whose "consciences never stopped them from making money."
He's just another rich capitalist using his money to force his opinions on others.
But now they are the rich capitalists exploiting the resources of Asia, and you Americans have a muddled social democracy.
The houses and apartments of the rich capitalists had been there and were now in ruins.
In the capitalist economy, rich capitalists perceived a disproportionately higher income than did the working class.
He eventually became a rich capitalist, head of a huge insurance company.
Yet he is now one of the richest capitalists in Russia.