Savvy directors and actors understand that the only way to make a rich comedy truly funny is to take it seriously.
The action, and very rich comedy, are also wonderfully represented.
In "Too Beautiful for You" ("Trop Belle Pour Toi"), Bertrand Blier takes this rather slim irony and develops it into an exceptionally rich romantic comedy.
This ironic and rich comedy raises many modern issues, and made Marivaux into a forerunner of female liberation.
"Arcadia" is Tom Stoppard's richest, most ravishing comedy to date, a play of wit, intellect, language, brio and, new for him, emotion.
This pipe-dream evocation of Shakespeare's rich comedy of sexual confusion is never less than an appetizing eyeful.
"Characteristic of Gogol is a sense of boundless superfluity that is soon revealed as utter emptiness and a rich comedy that suddenly turns into metaphysical horror."
It is a glorious spot, lit by a rich human comedy.
The determination of everyone involved to make "Stolen Summer" work yielded a rich comedy of errors and a knot of intrigue worthy of a Robert Altman picture.
But then, in Jeremiah S. Chechik's rich romantic comedy, a stranger comes to town, and he could be the man Joon has been waiting for.