Rosy pinks, rich coppers and deep plums are the big fashion news.
In 1870, the rich massive copper had been worked out, and the depth of the mine shafts had reached the limit of the hoisting equipment.
Other businesses tried to build it first to gain access to the rich copper and coal mines.
Here rich copper is worked by Gutus people.
Hefting her bag, Maia paused in front of the station office, where an older, slightly-less-unfriendly-looking Musseli chatted with a burly woman whose suntan was the color of rich copper.
Lubumbashi is the capital of Shaba Province in southern Zaire, home of the rich copper and cobalt industries that have been traditional economic mainstays.
The delicately molded hand that rested on the parapet was rich copper above and pale pink in the palm.
He can now consolidate his rule over the gold-producing eastern third of the country while commanding river access to the rich copper and cobalt deposits of the south.
The upper, major secondary wing coverts are rich iridescent copper.