In the 19th century you'd probably need to have a rich donor or king or community giving you 80 people for an orchestra.
His reliance on rich donors and his need for approval from experts led him to hand over to psychiatrists the organization he helped establish.
In addition, Piers Morgan got several rich donors to come and support him.
The White House has argued all along that the rich donors who stayed the night were there as Clinton friends, not contributors.
As a state legislator, he criticized members of his party for awarding contracts to rich donors.
Direct foreign contributions to elections have been illegal under Israeli law since 1994, but rich donors overseas often find ways around the rules.
Before long the two parties are expected to haul in more than $500 million from corporations, unions and rich donors.
It also encourages the participation of candidates who have less access to rich donors.
Fat cat is a political term originally describing a rich political donor, also called an angel or big money man.
The word was first used in the 1920s in the United States to describe rich political donors.