Their union proved rich gossip-column fodder.
Both cases have been widely covered by the press, and been rich fodder for many of the New York's tabloid newspapers.
Miles's efforts to sophisticate him provide Mr. Church with rich comic fodder.
It's not, of course, that teachers and students can't provide rich fodder for comedy.
Ronald O. Perelman's marital breakups have been rich fodder for the gossip pages.
Silvan was far richer fodder than Drustan; he'd always had a stronger center than his sons.
Life is kind to cartoonists, says Mr. Oliphant, serving up rich fodder.
There's rich fodder for fiction in their story, too.
In fact, God gets a rather easy ride: the bad science of tabloids, fundamentalists, quacks and climate-change sceptics provides richer comic fodder.
For Mr. Perkins and a small group of similarly inclined authors, events like the war in Iraq have offered rich creative fodder.