The sunlight entering the many windows took on a rich and golden hue.
In the box was a miniature pagoda, that had the deep rich hue of solid gold.
Her dark hair caught bits of light from here and there in the room to reflect a rich red-brown hue.
So what was just a song about the heat in the city then, now takes on a darker, richer hue.
His work is characterized by rich hues and strong, textured brushwork.
When they'd entered the gateway in New Mexico, the glass walls had been a rich golden hue.
From its setting gleamed a stone of a rich orange-yellow hue.
A film that starts out seeming like a dry exercise in recall slowly assumes a rich emotional hue.
The material had a rich red hue, the color of Indian sandstone.
A rug seller sat amidst the rich hues of his wares.