Honest farmers, as well as those that produced naturally rich milk, were not being compensated fairly.
Water jets out in a great round plume, creamy as rich milk.
The Spelsau gives rich milk, has a strong flock instinct and manages well outdoors most of the year.
Decadently rich milk, white or dark hot chocolates that make my days a whole lot better.
Start the day with rich white milk, not hers 2.
Cattle were brought to feed on the fertile grazing lands in summer, which caused them to give very rich milk.
He lauds the buffalo's rich milk, which has twice the fat content of the dairy cow's.
It's the essence of comfort food, creamy and so rich with coconut milk that your sweet tooth is still satisfied 24 hours later.
Zoanna's complexion had been nearly white marble, while Zanaan's was that of very rich milk.
The glue was like rich milk, condensed to a syrup.