If the Mississippi reached the sea somewhere else, the rich silt would create a new delta, he said.
The rich silt and the sunshine would raise three crops to harvest before the Nile poured over its banks once more to deliver its bounty.
The practice of 'warping', whereby tidal waters were made to flow back and deposit their rich silts over the land, was popular.
The oceans of this world are freshwater, but near the shore a translucent silt rich with zooplankton buoys the body like salinity.
But the floods also brought silt, rich with nutrients, the reason that the Valley was so fertile.
Glaciation grinding down an ancient range, depositing rich silt and bedrock meltwater water systems.
The flood deposited rich silt on the river's banks, allowing the Egyptians to grow crops.
In bountiful times, the rich alluvial silt that covers most of the country yields as many as three rice crops a year.
Now it was several miles away, but it had left behind the richest silt on the face of the planet.
The cloth was dark, with rich gray silt because the boy had caught himself on his arms when he landed.