Large millings that have a rich, black tint indicating a high asphalt cement content are best for asphalt recycling purposes.
The color vanilla is a rich tint of off-white as well as a medium pale tint of yellow.
Sir Thomas' cheeks took on a richer tint of purple.
Proceeding on to the table rock, we passed many beautiful gardens, all bearing the same rich tint of verdure, and glowing with fruit and flowers.
Almost every species of the acer family offers rich tints of golden-yellow or brilliant scarlet.
A richer tint of crimson diffused itself over the pictured horrors of blood.
Her rich tints made the white face of her companion the more worn and haggard by the contrast.
When they are copper or purplish they have a rich tint.
The deep brick-colored stigmas of the autumn crocus impart a rich golden tint and a distinctive, slightly bitter pungency to food.
Through the use of clear, slow-drying oil paints, Giovanni created deep, rich tints and detailed shadings.