Internationally celebrated artists share space with a rich trove of Southwestern works.
This tomb contained a rich trove of military, medical, and astronomical manuscripts written on silk.
American records related to recent repression in Argentina are not expected to provide as rich a historical trove.
To answer those questions one has to examine the rich trove of knowledge about teaching and learning that has accumulated over the past half century.
Indeed, the Americans are bringing not only a new infusion of capital but also a rich trove of expertise.
Google has a rich trove of data about what people are searching for and what Web sites they click.
But Ivory Island was a rich trove of the ancient past.
Incidentally, it created a rich trove for 21st-century collectors.
St. Louis's rich trove of mid-19th-century office buildings is crumbling, the victim of a downtown economy that has seen better days.
Rome and Athens both built systems, despite their rich archaeological troves.