Maybe she got married to some rich tycoon.
The rich tycoon is known to be a 72 year old business man (born 1928).
The case has generated nonstop heated responses online urging netizens to guess who the rich tycoon is.
And she is depicted as being coldly calculating in her subsequent marriage to Aristotle Onassis, one of the world's richest tycoons.
She married a rich Russian tycoon, Anatole Demidov, on November 1, 1840 in Rome.
Not one but two attractive newcomers to Loxford (one a rich tycoon, the other a successful academic) fall in love with Anna, or profess to.
Tom's life is changed forever, as they say, by an assignment involving a rich and recently deceased tycoon.
Hock Lai himself gets married with Cecilia, whose father is one of the richest tycoons of Singapore.
The clientele, which includes some of Russia's richest and most powerful tycoons, does not blink at dropping nearly $1,600 for a 1978 Petrus.