Krayl's paintings and drawings from this period are richly imaginative and visionary, with titles like "Cosmic building," "Dream city," and "Light greetings from my star house."
Some British journalists, particularly those who work for tabloid newspapers, are known for having a richly imaginative view of accuracy when writing about the royal family or the personal lives of their own politicians.
There is enough here from Fahlstrom's richly imaginative inventory of images and concepts to make his the most important of these three exhibitions.
It is a richly imaginative book of fairy stories and has been translated into many languages.
As a painter she was richly imaginative, as a believer she was enthusiastic and unswerving.
The action is as zippy and episodic as a cartoon, but the details of the characters' lives are richly imaginative and often touching: "Dakota showed Treacle her pet silverfish. "
After going to the Guggenheim, I want to amend the remark now: Hands down, he is, at just shy of 36, the most compelling, richly imaginative artist to emerge in years.
"Images" is an apt name for a richly imaginative ballet.
The Guardian's Sean O Hagan's dismissive view of Russell's richly imaginative, fearlessly unparochial cinema as 'excessive' and all a bit vulgar is typical.
Everything is richly imaginative.