Her enormous body tossed and turned on the rickety bed, the springs creaking in protest at the weight.
The chamber was empty save for a rickety wooden bed set to one side and an equally rickety wooden table on which a metal washbasin sat.
There was a rickety narrow bed, several of its slats broken and with no mattress.
The image includes two sleeping dogs, a man sleeping on a rickety bed and a child strutting by an open doorway that frames a young woman in a sari.
Secca swung her legs over the side of the rickety bed and bent to pull on her boots.
When she rose from the floor at last, she opened the lacquered clothes trunk sitting beside the rickety bed.
A beautiful and costly stained glass window bought with d'Urberville gold is the headboard for their rickety communal bed.
He put some men to work making stretchers from the rickety beds in the boxcars.
The room was narrow with only a rickety bed in it.
There was a rickety bed taking up most of the space.