He and Chiun walked down a rickety flight of wooden stairs that led to the twins' trailer.
Next to the big top was a giant wooden barrel, and we climbed up a rickety flight of stairs to the top rim.
I found a different way out and hit the downstairs hall from a rickety flight of steps that was half hidden behind a flowered set of drapes.
She was trembling violently as they mounted the rickety flight of stairs.
He kissed her without passion, descended the rickety flight of wooden stairs to the street below, and angrily kicked the Norton into life.
Ahead of him lay a rickety flight of steps.
A rather rickety flight of steps led down to the main landing.
I climbed a worn and rickety flight of wooden steps.
A rickety flight of steps links with the tomb entrance before you make your way down inside to the ornate burial chamber.
"Down there," Yarblek told them, pointing at a short, rickety flight of wooden stairs leading down to a narrow doorway.