The round shot screamed overhead, struck a rock and ricocheted wildly up into the sky.
The enemy's shots smacked into the gab ions or ricocheted wildly along the rocky ground.
Asarem closed her eyes, seeing the springball ricocheting wildly.
His entire sorcery was put into this over- whelming burst, which ricocheted wildly between the two vision-glasses.
It ricocheted wildly around inside and dripped from the hair-covered lips into the matted hair of his belly.
He ricocheted wildly off the walls, floor, and ceiling.
Shots popped off the wall behind them and ricocheted wildly.
The bullets entered the arcade and ricocheted wildly off the granite walls.
Rage, sorrow and despair ricocheted wildly inside him.
They crunched and howled in the blades, making the car buck, and ricocheted wildly from under the skirts.