A time trial is a one-rider-at-a-time race against the clock, the race of truth, as the riders call it.
Near the end of the year, the top riders banded together to announce they would create a competing championship called the World Series.
The rider called back over his shoulder.
Another rider might call his roommate and hang up after one ring - a code signaling that he is almost home.
That was spoken like a patron, as the riders call the dominant rider who sets down the informal rules of the race.
I called the man whom all riders call when they have a problem: Dr Mabuse.
But according to members of the Collection, the right team concept - one in which the riders call the shots - makes perfect sense.
The riders, both junior officers, were whipping their beasts and calling for a free way ahead.
During their seven-day marathon, the riders will call at nature reserves, country parks and sites where wildlife is under threat.
On climbs, the riders call such a group "a bus."