One rider fell from the back of a struck tarn and caught in the netting, hanging head down.
The rider on the paint, whoever he was, grabbed iron and caught a slug in the chest.
The rider will come down on the board or catch the board in mid-air.
He glanced behind to see if the next rider caught the hint and was gratified to see that the others were following his lead.
Twenty riders passed up the food and caught Engleman within the next 10 minutes.
If one or two riders also caught the gist, well, great.
During the board's spin, the rider may catch it with his/her hand(s) before landing.
The riders coming in fast caught his eye.
If one rider catches the other, the race is over.
He gained 40 seconds on the field but another rider caught him with two of the 28 laps to go and he finished second.