The smallest freewheels that can be made is with 8 teeth, which is smaller than most riders prefer.
However, many riders prefer that the toes and heels on both boots be centred directly over the edge of the board.
The landboards tend to be made out of wood, although many riders prefer lighter composite boards.
On the whole, riders prefer more than ever to be alone in their cars.
A smaller wheel also means the unicycle is lighter, although some riders prefer larger wheels.
A man employed by a minister is no more bound to be grateful than a horse whose rider prefers him to others.
Many riders prefer the safety of a full face Helmet, and others like the comfort of a skate style lid.
However, some riders prefer using the less conventional 24" and 26" wheel sizes for street riding.
No rider, he didn't trust this white force of nature, and had preferred that it be led.
Many riders prefer polos due to the 'cleaner' look they provide.