They require considerable training and ongoing conditioning, and because each rider requires several horses in a single match, this can be a considerable expense.
The rider requires the horse to give peril to his dexterity.
RDA classes rarely extend beyond eight because each rider can require two trained volunteers - a side-walker and a leader, as well as the group instructor.
Corte wrote in 1562: "in Italy the horses of the Kingdom of Naples are greatly esteemed; [there] many fine coursers are born ... suitable for use in war and in the manège and for every service that the rider may require".
The rider in his contract requires a large plate of Oreo halves without frosting backstage (similar to Van Halen's request for a bowl of M&M's without the brown ones.)
This rider required that the railroad be laid within a mile of Browder Springs.
The rider would also require the agency to appoint a panel of scientists to evaluate the issue for at least a year before any action could be considered.
The rider would require public schools and libraries receiving federal funds for Internet connections to install computer software that would block access to obscene and other inappropriate Web sites.
Down banks require the rider to lean further back, with slipped reins and heels closer to the front of the horse, in order to absorb the shock of the landing.
The rider, as understood by Mr. Ferren, requires lawyers for the District to work on the lawsuit only outside normal working hours and without the use of District resources - no government supplies, law books, computers, office space or telephones.