For eventing, a three-day competition, riders seek the best combination score for dressage, jumping and a cross-country race.
The riders have been seeking 5 percent of the purses paid to the owners of second- and third-place finishers, the norm at other major tracks.
The riders are seeking 5 percent of the purses won in second- and third-place finishes instead of the smaller flat fees they now receive.
Over the course of the race, many riders sought to break away from the peloton.
When braking, the rider in motion is seeking to change the speed of the combined mass m of rider plus bike.
The riders have been seeking an increase in their fees for second- and third-place finishes.
His eyes flicked uphill, and Cerryl almost felt as though the rider sought him.
Larger rider seeks rear wheel recommendations for upcoming fast-paced philanthropic world tour.
Turns, paces and strides all come into play as the rider seeks to put their horse in the perfect position to clear the fence.
The riders were not seeking rape, only plunder and wanton destruction.