Surface 360 - a rider spins the board 360 degrees while riding the surface of the water.
The rider spun the kaiila about, to his right, keeping his shield between himself and my arrow.
The rider stands on the front peg and spins 180 degrees.
The prototype vehicle design on X2 allows riders to spin 360-degrees forward and backward, independent of the trains primary movement.
Using a faster "flick" motion, the rider can spin the board multiple revolutions before landing.
The rider spins a tailwhip and while they're still in the air they spin another tailwhip back the other way.
NOTE: rider does not spin only the board spins.
The riders spun on their mounts, looking up at the tree.
Another early ride was the Whip, in which riders spun on a small track in a pavilion.
By pushing the sand while moving the rider can spin a number of revolutions.