A ridge to the north of Ike continued to push the storm towards the southwest, into an area more favorable for intensification.
The ridge continued to rise to the crest.
This ridge continues to the northeast into Moravia in the area near Znojmo.
The south ridge continues towards the summit of Glan-hafon, which at 608m is under 2000 ft.
But it might be assumed that this ridge continued to rise beyond the range of vision".
As long as the wind blows, the ridge of sand will continue to build until it becomes a dune.
To the west, the ridge continues to Drosgl.
The deep-layered ridge to the north continued to steer the system west, towards the Caribbean Sea.
A strong ridge of high pressure continued to push the system west, towards the Caribbean Sea.
As the ridge continued to fold upward, erosion cut through and the water gap was formed.