This ridge falls sharply towards the sea so that its coastal edge is characterized by moderate to severe slopes.
Suddenly the path curved and the right-hand ridge fell away, placing the travelers on a ledge.
The ridge fell steeply to the southwest.
The entire ridge on the French side of the river fell into Allied hands at the cost of only 400 casualties.
As the ridge fell behind them, the Great Mother River separated again into three channels.
The village lay where the ridge fell to a wide, marshy plain above which the morning mist now shredded and faded.
The trail wasn't three feet wide on the crest, and on either side the ridge fell away in precipices hundreds of feet deep.
On two sides of the clearing the ridge fell away sharply, giving an unobstructed view of the surrounding country.
Had the ridge fallen the town must have followed, and history perhaps have been changed.
It found that, at multiple locations, the highest ridges actually fell north of the McMahon Line.