Yonder ridge marks the bounds of his lair.
Steep coastal cliffs and projecting ridges mark the eastern margin, but there is a gentle slope west from the massif's broad, plateau-like snow summit.
Because they are the product of icemarginal glacitectonics, composite ridges mark the positions of glacier stillstands or readvances and even surges.
A mid-ocean ridge marks the boundary between two tectonic plates which are moving apart.
The low lying ridge of the Escrick moraine marks its southern boundary.
In the southeast, the ridge of Kilsbergen marks the border with Närke.
One possible derivation of the name is from the Old English composite word loc(a)-hrycg meaning "a ridge marked by enclosure(s)".
The ridge marks the boundary between Kings Canyon National Park and the John Muir Wilderness.
The southernmost ridge delimiting the glacier marks the border with China.
On the outside, a ridge marks the separation between the ground floor and piano nobile.