"That's the most ridiculous exaggeration I've ever heard!"
Bernadotte boasts, with ridiculous exaggeration, of the brilliant and victorious situation of France!
There is no class of vulgar publications about which there is, to my mind, more utterly ridiculous exaggeration and misconception than the current boys' literature of the lowest stratum.
To declare that we were not nervous on that rainy night of watching would be an exaggeration both gross and ridiculous.
(Of course, a ridiculous exaggeration: posterity will do fine without him!).
It was a ridiculous exaggeration and opinions were not moved.
That's a ridiculous exaggeration, and if you'll just let me - " "In addition there are two monstrous dogs who leap all over you, slobber, shed hair - Clara, I'm taking a cab.
The women's clothes in Pleasantville , with all their ridiculous exaggerations, show us a country now alien indeed.
Report had spoken of his possessions in terms which I had even ventured to call terms of ridiculous exaggeration.
Its ridiculous exaggerations indirectly compliment the character and ideals of the F.B.I.