Jefferson was a toy on the water, ridiculously tiny, three quarters of a mile ahead.
These were cars with ridiculously tiny wheels, and after a while Derec decided that they used magnetic levitation under speed.
If a ridiculously tiny figure could be acclaimed a hero because of his own braggadicio, might other great leaders be similarly small?
Her hand moved to show Webster her watch, a ridiculously tiny thing in gold and black with what looked like real diamonds at every quarter hour.
Some of the spaces, like the daughter's minuscule study, seem ridiculously tiny on the plan.
A ridiculously tiny eye stared at him - an eye that seemed lost in the monstrous, misshapen head.
June walked beside it, a ridiculously tiny thing beside its own ponderous bulk.
Forget him, she said, laying a ridiculously tiny hand on one oversized arm.
My dear Sheringham, if you just knew the ridiculously tiny things which give offence in a doctor!
I felt the ridiculously tiny silk skirt being lifted away, my bottom was patted, and then the first smack came.