After all, that's what the right has been claiming.
They can't understand what a right is and therefore cannot claim any.
This means that they lose the right to claim certain employment rights.
Because evangelicals make up a quarter of the population, the religious right claimed credit for giving President Bush his margin of victory.
Even the full right of this habit I cannot now claim.
Contrary to what the right is claiming, France's government is not paralysed.
We need to decide what, if any, residual rights the defendants can claim.
The queen, they decided, belonged first and foremost to them; no one else had quite the same right to claim her.
A court decision gave the benefits fund the right to claim money from the hospital Medicaid check, although it has not done so yet.
Instead, the game continued and Black resigned on his 142nd move - even though the right to claim a draw was still in effect .