The religious right gets all the attention, they say, and the religious left none.
But constitutional right or no, women cannot get abortions if there is nobody to perform them.
These new rights are getting out of hand and must be stopped.
This is what the right don't get about handing over rail to private companies.
In the election of 1999, the extreme right got less than 1 percent of the vote.
All right,' she said, standing up, 'if you're not going to tell me anything, we might as well get on with it.
After all a man's got a right to a place of his own.
"But I reserve the right to get up and leave if you start telling any whoppers."
In a way, the paper's right - not everyone can get the place they want.
The service itself must be respected as well and they have the rights to not get sued for what the users do to their services.