Given a 6-1 lead, he allowed three more runs before calling it a night after four innings with muscle tightness in his right groin.
Brower is suffering from a strain in his right groin and also has a sore throwing elbow.
Carter injured his right groin while attempting to block a 3-point shot by Billups.
Because Clemens left his start against Toronto with a cramp in his right groin eight days ago, he did everything slower.
A pain in his right groin.
Mr Brown has been having increasing pain and a "dragging" sensation in his right groin.
Edwards strained his right groin moving laterally on defense during Wednesday's practice.
Using small injections, he deadened an area of the man's right groin.
But Mussina left the game for precautionary reasons after experiencing tightness in his right groin.
Damon left the game after three innings with mild stiffness in his right groin.