It means that the author has none of the exclusive rights listed above.
Standing for Rights in China China has been stirred by a petition to enforce personal rights listed in the Constitution, beginning with protecting migrant workers.
This equality right is the first right listed in the Bill of Rights.
Section 1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the section that confirms that the rights listed in the Charter are guaranteed.
They noted that the "right to be free from physical injury" was not included among the civil rights listed in the bill.
Yes, because the founders affirmed in the Ninth Amendment that there were rights not specifically listed which deserved protection.
Many of these rights are similar to the rights listed in the United States Bill of Rights.
In addition it stipulates that each country is obliged to promote human rights, listed in a special bill of rights, and decent governance.
Instead, section 28 ensures that men and women have equal claim to rights listed in the Charter.
Section 1 also confirms that the rights listed in the Charter are guaranteed.