Whether you are editing an existing group or a new group, use the right pane to enter a name and short name for the group.
The right pane has a small man-sized door for usual entries and exits, too small to allow an army to enter rapidly.
I've found it annoying that sometimes I see the Top Stories on the right pane, and other times I don't.
However, expanding (+) or collapsing (-) a portion of the tree without selecting a directory will not alter the contents of the right pane.
To build an automation, simply drag actions from the left pane to the right pane, then configure the adjustable bits.
In column view, the far right pane shows a thumbnail preview of the selected file.
A screenshot of the result of our sample run is shown at the right pane.
The right pane of Windows 2000 Explorer, which usually just lists files and folders, can also be customized.
In the right pane, double-click on the RegisteredOrganization icon.
The right pane contains links to folders and settings, including: