I also very much support the rights of artists in any medium to receive fair payment.
"Protect and promote the rights of all children, especially the rights to receive free, meaningful education"
I thought the website owner/blogger at least had the right to receive a cease and desist order before legal action take place.
There are oddities here (why a right to receive compulsory education?)
Federal employees win the right to receive Worker's Compensation insurance.
The plaintiffs asked the court to establish a constitutional right "to receive and provide aid in dying".
"The First Amendment protects the right to express ideas and the right to receive ideas," he said.
In 415 he was proconsul of Africa; he obtained, in this capacity, the right to receive appeals.
Aboriginal rights, including treaty rights, receive more direct constitutional protection under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
I am, however, convinced that there are a number of European countries where the rights of children do not receive adequate attention.