The right to self determination by the islanders trumps any claim that Argentina could possibly come up with.
"We're on a slippery slope when we start saying that the rights of grass trump the rights of the people to protest."
(Remember, Emiratis' legal rights always trump yours.)
Howard deplores a legal culture in which the "rights" of "whoever might disagree" have trumped common sense.
Her right to view stuff on the internet doesn't trump the community's rights to protect their children from harmful viewpoints.
With life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as core rights, the right of a fetus to be born clearly trumps the mother's liberty to choose otherwise.
And even there, the rights of the state do not trump the rights of the individual, or of free communities on previously unclaimed worlds.
But here's the thing: Does our right to live as we choose trump the rights of people that don't even exist yet?
As two men accused of "terrorism" discovered last week, the long-standing right to silence does not trump the RIPA powers.
It is still undecided whether the commercial rights of sportsorganisers and sponsors trump the universal human rights issues involved.