An eight-wheel flower truck was parked on Columbus in the right-turn lane at the corner of 76th Street.
Once at the Mileground US 119, the right lane becomes a right-turn lane and the left a left-turn lane.
Traffic from Interstate 65 to Interstate 90 bypassed the traffic signal via an isolated right-turn lane.
They are a study in nonchalance, slowly crossing a highway or, as many prefer, relaxing in the right-turn lane of a busy intersection.
Seagull intersections get their name from the pattern that the two right-turn lanes make when looking down from the air.
When bikes continue straight ahead in crossroads, they can either be in the right of the right-turn lane or in the right of the straight on lane.
While six lanes are provided, only four lanes get full use, since the outer two are used by double-parked vehicles and as a right-turn lane.
Establishing access to businesses by a continuous right-turn lane and a raised median to prohibit left-turns except by designated mid-block U-turn lanes.
The alternate provides access to businesses by establishing right-turn lanes and using a raised median to prohibit left turns except via designated mid-block U-turn lanes.
The majority of its length consists of three lanes each direction plus a central turn-lane and often includes a right-turn lane.