Some of my correspondents have even picked up on claims, mostly disseminated on right-wing blogs, that the Bush administration actually did a heck of a job after Katrina.
A blogging campaign soon began, supported by notable left and right-wing blogs, and taken up by some of the mainstream press, to get Aslam sacked.
In a song whose title alone has already brought him the fury of right-wing blogs, he urges, "Let's Impeach the President."
Currently, is one of the largest right-wing blogs in existence.
Search right-wing blogs and you'll find none of the invective showered on other liberal Democrats in general and black liberal leaders in particular.
In a subsequent interview, Gutierrez said there was "no viable" reconquista movement and blamed interest in the issue on closed-border groups and "right-wing blogs."
Menendez's office described the allegations as "manufactured" by a right-wing blog as a politically motivated smear.
Antidepressants, Internet addiction, cable-news pile-ons and even right-wing blogs make appearances.
"Some of the right-wing blogs say I am out there trying to trip him up," he said.
I've had a look at some of the right-wing blogs in the US - Pam Geller and her ilk - and they are truly, truly scary.