The Jewish and a few liberal minded Christian teachers were exposed to the arrogance of the right-wing majority.
After the elections, however, it was clear that New Alliance did not get enough seats in parliament to break the previous right-wing majority.
Furthemore, he benefited from the conflict in the right-wing majority.
Since the beginning of the Fifth Republic, the Senate has always had a right-wing majority.
I am 21 years old and grew up under an extreme right-wing Republican majority that demonizes moderation.
A slim right-wing majority succeeded in removing any reference to market failures.
We welcome the rejection, by a slim, right-wing majority, of the Evans report on asylum.
You have a majority here in Parliament, a right-wing majority, and clearly we are unable to identify with this majority.
Unsurprisingly, it could not hold out against the right-wing majority in Parliament, which is a shame.
The first polls indicated a re-election of the right-wing majority.